Why Foreign Object Management Is A Challenge

Here are some of the typical situations you might recognize in your current Foreign Object Management:

  • Your Customer found a Foreign Object in your product - AGAIN
  • Management and Maintenance change the equipment or tools without consulting QA
  • You implemented CCP's and/or OPRP's on Foreign Objects and now you want to focus on Preventive Actions
  • In the PreRequisite Program you mention that preventive measures are in place and you know you still have challenges with these foreign objects
  • You received non-conformity on Foreign Object Management
  • You were facing a recall on Foreign Objects
  • You sound like a broken record... for ever repeating to your colleagues to follow the rules - with little effect

And there might be many other situations in your facility...

... the question is: are you happy with your Foreign Object Management and what can you do to create a well-functioning preventive Foreign Object Management Program?

=> Join one of the workshops listed below and start making a difference in Foreign Object Management in your organization!

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Learn more about the Workshop Foreign Object Management

How to Safeguard your Preventive Actions of Foreign Objects

What is included in the Workshop

  • Identify all relevant Foreign Objects for your company

  • Create your Foreign Object Heat Map

  • Identify all existing preventive measures of your facility

  • Know the major sources of Foreign Objects

  • Identify and know in which areas Foreign Objects occur and where the preventive actions might not be sufficient

  • Receive tips for Foreign Object control engagement of the work force

  • Have your business case build on your typical costs of Foreign Objects and know the investment to improve your situation

  • When you have finished all the steps of the Workshop you can download your certificate

Let's start with the Preventive Safeguards of Foreign Objects!


This workshop is delivered as a live, online workshop, with hands-on tools and downloads to help you to map out your actions in order to create and implement a well-functioning preventive safeguards of Foreign Objects within weeks. 

By implementing our road map, you will get more engagement of the work force for Foreign Object Control and you will have a clear structure of your Foreign Object Control program. 

People will use your Foreign Object Control when they understand why it is important and agree with the how this needs to be performed in your organization. The Foreign Object Control system will be owned by everyone in your organization via the process which we will teach you during the workshop. And you will be seen as an EXPERT in your field.

Reserve your calendar for this live, online workshop on one of these dates:

  • February 8th, 2022 at 14:00 CET (Dutch)
  • or February 9th, 2022 at 3 pm CET/9 am EST (English)
  • or February 10th, 2022 at 6 pm CET/9 am PST/12 pm EST (English)
  • or February 14th, 2022 at 3 pm CET/ 9 am EST/ 11 am ART (Spanish)
  • or February 15th, 2022 at 10 am CET/ 8 pm AEDT/(English)

The price for attending the workshop is $199.00 (± €175,-), and it includes one year access to the workshop recording and all the downloads via the Food Safety University.

Alternative Payment Options

If you want to pay by bank, this can be done via PayPal. If you do not have a PayPal account, you first need to create one at paypal.com. Then you need to add your bankaccount to PayPal. How to do this is explained in the video below. Once you have done all this, you are ready to check out via PayPal and then you can just pay using your bank by selecting it as the payment method in PayPal. Note: Paypal charges a small fee for this.

If you wish, you can also gain access by transferring the money directly to us. To do so, send an email with your details to [email protected]. We will send you an invoice which you can pay. As soon as you have paid, you will have access.

How To Link Your Bank Account To PayPal

Watch This Video

What You Get in the Workshop

Exactly the boost you need to upgrade your Foreign Object Controls

    1. Questionnaire: What is your challenge with Foreign Objects?

    2. 1. Preparation video to watch before the Workshop Foreign Object Management

    3. Map - Have an accurate map at hand during the workshop

    4. Introduction Workshop

    5. Zoom meeting Workshop February 9, 2022 from 3 pm - 5.30 pm CET / 11 am - 1.30 pm ART / 9 am EST - 11.30 pm EST(English)

    6. 2. Identify all classes of Foreign Objects in Your Facility

    7. 2a. Explanation download Foreign Objects Classes

    8. 2a. DOWNLOAD: Foreign Objects Classes

    9. 3. Create a Heat Map of all sources of Foreign Objects

    10. 3a. Explanation download Template Head Map Foreign Objects

    11. 3a. Download: Template Head Map Foreign Objects

    12. 4. Evaluate existing preventive measures

    13. 4a Explanation download Overview Existing Preventive Measures

    14. 4a. DOWNLOAD: Overview existing preventive measures

    15. 5. How to have and keep a clean environment and stop the Maintenance Department from being a bringer of Foreign Objects

    16. 5a Discussion 5S implementation

    17. 5a. DOWNLOAD: Presentation 5S

    18. 6. Evaluate the existing detection systems and whether you need to have more

    19. 6a Explanation download Foreign Object related CCP/OPRP Evaluation matrix

    20. 6a. DOWNLOAD: Foreign Object related CCP / OPRP evaluation matrix

    21. 7. How to create engagement of the work force regarding Foreign Object controls

    22. 7a Discussion Engagement of the work force

    23. 7a. DOWNLOAD: Overview Tips for Foreign Object control engagement of the work force

    24. 8. How to create a Business Case with realistic annual costs

    25. 8a Explanation download Foreign Object cost estimation tool

    26. 8a. DOWNLOAD: Foreign Object Cost Estimation Tool

    27. 9. What is next?

    28. Bonus: 3 times 30 minutes Coaching Session When You Need It!

About this course

  • $319.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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