"Understand All The Details of FSMA, Have Your Plan Ready And Write Your Procedures – All In One Week"

The Fastest Route To FSMA Compliance

(1) Join the online FSMA Masterclass And Learn Everything on FSMA In Just 9 Hours

 (2) Write Your FSMA Related Procedures Based On Our Proven Templates
 (3) Create Your Personal Implementation Plan Based On Our Guidance Document
 (4) Work One-On-One with an Expert To Get Help Exactly Where You Need It

 (5) Be FSMA Compliant In Days Where Other Programs Leave You Swimming!

 (you don’t need to be a regulatory specialist – we’ll break everything down to the essence and bring it in an understandable way)

à 99% Of All The Others Offering Courses Provide The FDA Approved Material Alone – Which Is A Standard Program, With No Templates And No Additional Help! 

Take me for the FSMA Masterclass Now

Get Started For Only $597!


“Very good course that has a lot of practical information and tools.”

“When I first met Rob and Kitty, I knew we should work together as their program is really remarkable and adds so much value!”

“Well structured, easy to understand, provides useful additional materials which will help to implement easily the FSMA requirements, prompt response by trainers on each question/ issue.”

Do You Feel Like You Have This Humongous Task For Your Organization To Get FSMA Compliant?

Looking at all the detail which is in the various FSMA rules you, like almost everybody else, cannot but feel overwhelmed. Do you have no clue where to start? Are you frustrated already just by looking at the task at hand and almost afraid and anxious about what you're going to do?

If your company would face severe penalties or even closure for several weeks if not months (in case your company is based in the United States) – what would that mean to the short-term survival of your company?

Or if your company gets blacklisted for 3 years for exporting to the USA – would that hurt your company’s profits? What is the amount of turnover your company generates with US-based customers? Would your company still be profitable if you would all of a sudden lose these customers?

FSMA Is Mandatory For All Food Producers

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is a major overhaul of the USA legislation for food and feed production facilities as well for farms. FSMA consists of various rules and most of these rules are already in force or will become in force soon. The only area where the USA government has given some addition time towards compliance is in the area of food defence and intentional adulteration.

Are you responsible for quality and food safety at a food production facility? Are you located in the USA or producing products which are shipped to the USA? Then FSMA compliance is a must for your facility! Are you sure that your facility is 100% FSMA compliant? Facilities that are found not to be compliant in line with the compliance dates as published by the FDA will face severe fines and might be shut down.

The online FSMA Masterclass is the fastest and surest way to FSMA compliance. You won’t need to spend hours and hours reading through all the rules and searching the internet for resources to use. We have brought it all together for you in one, online course.

News Flash: FSMA Has A Global Impact!

FSMA also applies to farms and food or feed production facilities located in the USA or shipping food stuff or feed to the USA. The latter impacts a lot of facilities outside the USA. FSMA aims to safeguard food safety of all food and feed sold in the USA. Hence, it requires any producer or grower – also those who are abroad – in the ENTIRE food chain to follow the rules as laid down by FSMA. 

In detail this means that even if your facility itself is not exporting food products to the USA, but your customer (or for that matter your customer’s customer) is doing so, your facility still needs to comply with many aspects of FSMA.

Is your facility located in the USA or is your facility directly supplying food or feed to the USA? If the answer is yes, then FSMA compliance is a must. If your facility is located outside the USA and you are not exporting directly to the USA, are you sure none of your customers is either? If your facility ends up on the FDA black-list, exporting to the USA will be nearly impossible for the next 3 years.

The online FSMA Masterclass is set-up in such a way that it clearly distinguishes between facilities that are in the USA and those that are not – for the latter a reduced set of rules apply. So, by using the online FSMA Masterclass you will know exactly what to do and make the best use of your time and resources.

Here's Why FSMA Is So Difficult To Implement…

FSMA is truly one of the biggest changes in food safety related legislation of the last 50 years. FSMA consists of multiple rules and is an incredibly big piece of legislation with a lot of text and details to be interpreted. Just the shear amount of text puts a lot of people off from even trying to get FSMA compliant without using expensive consultants telling them what to do. 

Do you have difficulties to translate all the details of the various FSMA rules to your own organization? Next to understanding all the FSMA rules, the FDA has created a wider network of public partnerships, providing a lot of additional information which is equally complex as the FSMA rules themselves. This makes finding concise and easy to understand information even more difficult.

The online FSMA Masterclass gives a clear overview of all the FSMA rules in layman’s terms and brings FSMA down to its real essence. By following the guidance of the online FSMA Masterclass you can be sure that your facility becomes FSMA compliant, fast and efficient.

Are You Ready To Use The Online FSMA Masterclass to Become Compliant In No Time?

Most likely you’re thinking: “FSMA looks daunting and difficult to get your mind around, let alone implement without a massive amount of help. How can an online program do all that for me?”

Of course, you want to make sure that we know what we’re doing! Next to Food Safety Experts we also have a consulting and interim management business.  For our clients we had to follow all major changes in legislation in the countries our customers operate in. As a result, we have already followed the FSMA legislation for several years, researched all the material, implemented FSMA requirements in dozens of companies and have written a book on FSMA that will be published soon.

So, yes – we are knowledgeable on FSMA and are in the ideal position to help you through our online FSMA Masterclass course. Well -  let us explain why our online FSMA Masterclass is truly the easiest and swiftest way to FSMA compliance…

Easy To Understand Overview

The online FSMA Masterclass will give you a complete overview of all the FSMA rules, the requirements and exceptions in layman’s terms. You do not need to have a background in regulatory affairs of food law to understand the FSMA Masterclass material. 

Each lesson starts out with an overview of the material and the relevant legislation, due dates and exceptions. This way you will always have the bigger picture in mind when going through the more detailed material. Only where necessary the online Masterclass dives into the detail, this way you will get all the information you need to successfully get your facility FSMA compliant in the short term. 

Templates Of All Relevant Procedures And Forms

We have spent a considerable amount of time evaluating a wide range of available templates for procedures and forms and have selected those which are easy to implement and are not overly complex. The only thing you need to do is to take the templates, insert these into your company’s format and edit the final details of the documents to get to the final version of your procedures and forms.

You literally will be able to have all the procedures and forms that you must have for full FSMA compliance ready in two days of work!

All Official Training Material Is Included

Next to the 9 hours of training material with all the relevant links and downloads, all the official, FDA approved training material is included in the online FSMA Masterclass as well. This way you do not need to search for it yourself and you can review it at your leisure.

Next to providing the formal training slides, we have also included the official small company guidance documents as well as all the links to the official training video’s for employees and their managers and much, much more.

We Help You Create Your Own Plan

An integral part of the online FSMA Masterclass is as structure to help you create your personal implementation plan, targeted at the exact requirements which are relevant for your facility. During each lesson you will be facilitated to plan the steps you need to take in detail, based on pre-defined tips and questions.

Your personal implementation plan will be created in Excel, which makes it easy to share with others in your organization and use it as a project management tool.

Stakeholder Management

Convincing others in your organization, including management is important as well. Before, during and after the implementation of the new FSMA requirements in your facility it is important to know what people to involve, what people to keep informed and where and how to create the buy-in that you need to be successful. For this reason we have included one of our stakeholder management tools into the online FSMA Masterclass. The approach will help you define your stakeholders and manage them throughout the process of FSMA implementation.

Certificate Upon Completion

As with every course on our platform, you will get an official certificate of completion at the end of the course. You can use this certificate, together with reference to prior education and working experience as the justification for your qualification as a PCQI, without going to the official, FDA approved training.

If you feel unsure on this, we’ll help you out during the coaching which is included in the course or alternatively, you can join at one of our live FSMA Masterclasses and get all our material AND a formal FSPCA training to become a certified PCQI (fully approved by the FDA). Click here if you are interested in the live Masterclass. 

Up To Date Information

As part of the deal, you will have life-time access to your e-learning platform, enabling you to always revisit the material when required. From our-side, we’ll keep the material updates as changes are made by the USA government in the details of the various FSMA rules in years to come.

The additions / changes will be reflected in newly added (sub)lessons, so it is always easy for you to stay on top of any changes when these will occur.

1 Hour of 1-on-1 Coaching To Help You

Doing everything on your own is difficult. Even if you have a good structure to help you in terms of creating your personal implementation plan. As in most projects, there will be times when you get stuck. That’s the reason why we include 1 hour of 1-on-1 consulting time in the online FSMA Masterclass. You decide when you take that time. During the 1-on-1 coaching call we will help you overcome any obstacles you might be facing.

For those of you who fancy or need more support we have two options: you can either upgrade to 6 hours of 1-on-1 coaching time (usually this is sufficient for us to help you out and verify everything is OK in the end in terms of FSMA compliance) – click here for more information - or you can join in one of our live, in-person FSMA Masterclasses. This live, in-person FSMA Masterclass takes place in New York and Amsterdam over 5 full days, and you will walk out after those 5 days with a complete set of procedures tailored to your facility, PCQI certified (approved by the FDA) and with a remaining action plan which is also tailored to your facility. Click here for more information. 

And that's why we’re excited to personally invite you to join us in...

The online FSMA Masterclass: The Tesla of FSMA Training and Compliance

Sometimes, something new appears, that breaks the mold of everything that came before it. And that's precisely what the online FSMA Masterclass is doing in the world of FSMA Training and Compliance.

You see, the official, FDA approved training programs just give you information, and we both know most people won't succeed with information alone! Furthermore: many of the trainers of these official training programs never implemented procedures in a company to get FSMA compliant.

All in all, you need a complete approach and strategy that works, but you also need access to experts, tools and templates, a good plan that works, coaching and support to get to the finish line. In other words, you need real education!

We've designed the online FSMA Masterclass to provide all of that. Our on-line FSMA Masterclass is built on a special model which will guarantee FSMA Compliance to your facility. The model has five building blocks and is shown below:

I Want In! Get Me Started For Only $597!

What's Inside the online FSMA Masterclass?

The overall program consists of 6 modules and each module starts off with high-level overview, potential exceptions and then dives into the relevant details. All information is broken down is easy to understand bites and a wealth of tools, links and templates is included in each module.

We spent over 200 hours just collecting all the information which is part of the online FSMA Masterclass.

Click here for a brief overview of the entire curriculum, laid out for you.

Just Remember, This Is The Fastest Route To FSMA Compliance!

Phew... that's a lot to cover!

But don't worry, the course will guide you step by step and you will create your own personal implementation plan which will also grow step by step.

Next to this you will have life time access to the course material, so you can always revisit certain sections if necessary. On top of that we will keep the material up-to-date when changes occur in FSMA legislation.

Of Course, There Are Other Options As Well…

  • Option 1: Get A Consultant To Do It For You

    There are several consultants and law-firms willing to help you out in terms of FSMA compliance. Usually it will cost you a lot of money and you will get procedures and forms which are based of a template they have designed. As with all things a one-size-fits-all approach is most likely not going to make you overly happy. Hiring a consultant is not only expensive, but very often you will not get procedure which are really tailored to the exact situation of your organization. Total cost: $10,000 / Time frame: 3-6 months / Procedures tailored to your organization: Maybe / Most efficient process: No

  • Option 2: Follow official FDA approved training

    Following the official FDA approved training is a requirement if you have no relevant working experience, no formal education or other training in the area of food safety and food defense. In all other cases, it will only bring you a certificate and an understanding of the FSMA rules. However, the official FDA approved training is not aimed at helping you create a proper implementation plan, nor does it provide useful templates. You will get a highly standardized curriculum over 2-2.5 days – which we usually refer to as “2.5 Days of Death by PowerPoint”. Total cost: $1,500 per relevant FSMA module / Time frame: 1 -2 months / Procedures tailored to your organization: No / Most efficient process: No

  • Option 3: Figure It Out Yourself

    If you have enough time, you might go to the FDA website and read through all the material you can lay your hands on. We can guarantee you there is so much information you can spend weeks and weeks, just reading all the stuff, and still have no clue what to do. This might seem the cheap solution, but if you factor in the time you will spend doing this and match that with your hourly rate, you are still going to spend a lot of money. In the end, you will get procedures that will be exactly what you want, but the overall process of getting there will be far from efficient. Total cost: $5,000 - $25,000 / Time frame: 6 – 12 months / Procedures tailored to your organization: Yes / Most efficient process: No

  • Option 4: Do Nothing

    This is not really an option, unless you want to be out of business at a certain point in time. FSMA is a mandatory piece of legislation for all food producers in the USA and all those supplying to the USA. Most likely your customers are already banging on your door asking for your FSMA compliance status. And the next time you will get an FDA inspection this will most certainly be a topic of discussion as well. Total cost: Stiff fines, blacklisting or closure during an FDA audit and/or lost sales opportunities / Time frame: Forever / Procedures tailored to your organization: No / Most efficient process: No

  • Option 5: Follow Another Online Course

    You might subscribe for another online course on FSMA. Most of these courses provide you with the standard FDA training material. So rather that sitting in a classroom for 2.5 days, you can now watch all of it (or most of it) online. Very likely you will get no templates for procedures and registration forms for you to use and no implementation support at all. So in the end, you it will still take you months to figure out all the details towards implementation yourself. Total cost: $300-$1500 / Time frame: 2-3 months / Procedures tailored to your organization: No / Most efficient process: No

But You Know, It Might Have Been Worth It...

So, those are your options. And every one of them is a legitimate path that will lead you somewhere.

As you'll notice with each of them, they're expensive, time-consuming, and results aren't guaranteed...

You see, as expensive, long and challenging as those paths might be, they can still lead to success. 

After all, those options HAVE worked for other people so far- except for the last option. And in those scenarios, where the desired outcomes were achieved, you can bet they were worth it!

Companies routinely spend tens of thousands of dollars on high-paid consultants, and get serviced by the most junior consultant in the office...

...and when they succeed, they happily say that it was worth every penny. 

Think about it...

If you would be able to do it all by yourself, with your team in just a few weeks or months and at a fraction of the cost? Wouldn’t that be great?

Of course it would!

Your boss will even recognize you for it as very often these type of regulatory changes have a major impact on companies and management is already gearing up to be facing these big consulting company bills…

But here’s your chance to do it different this time:

You Can Get Started For Only $597!

That's right, you can get started today for only $597 – it’s a one-time payment. 

If that’s too much, you can opt for the 4-month payment plan and pay 4 times $157. 

We know – it almost sounds too good to be true! We are so committed to creating a better world in terms of food safety that we are virtually giving away this entire program.

Pricing options

Select the payment plan of your choice. You can pay in one go or opt for paying in multiple, smaller amounts.

We Will Make It Work: Our TWO Alternatives In Case You Want More Help

 Sometimes you just need all the help you can get. You might be too busy with other things and want more help from a knowledgeable person. Or you need that stick behind the door and create a level of focus that will deliver results swiftly.

We know that the online FSMA Masterclass itself will get you where you want, but for those of you who need that additional support, we have created two alternatives:

Alternative #1:
 Get More 1-on-1 Coaching Time

If you feel that 1 hour of 1-on-1 coaching might be too short to help you out, there is an option to upgrade the program and get in total 6 hours of 1-on-1 coaching.

You can decide when to use that coaching time, it can be all in one go or 2 times 3 hours or 6 times one hour. The flexibility is all yours!

You can even ask us to perform task for you as part of the 6 hours of coaching, so you will have your own expert working for you.

Of course the price for this will be higher, but in comparison to other options this is still a no brainer. 

Click here for more information.

Alternative #2:
 Join our LIVE FSMA Masterclass in New York or Amsterdam

We have teamed up with Michele Pfannenstiel, owner of Dirigo Food Safety and certified FSMA PCQI trainer. Together we have created a unique, 1 week program in which you will get the following:

  • Official FSPCA, FDA approved, PCQI training – this means you will receive the PCQI certification at the end of the week.
  • Done with you FSMA implementation, based on the on-line FSMA Masterclass – we will work with you during the week and you will create all the procedures and forms in your company’s format. By the end of the week you will walk out with all documents done.
  • Together we will create and review your remaining action plan for any site related activities (like food defense aspects and training) you need to do.

If you are interested in this high focus and high support approach, have a look here.

Yes, I'm In! I'm ready and excited to join the FSMA Masterclass, create my personal implementation plan, use all the tools and templates and be FSMA compliant in a short span of time!

Take Your First Step Towards FSMA Compliance Today!

Here's What Will Happen Next...

Once you click the button below and join the program, your first step will be to create an account in our learning environment. Then you can select the payment option of your choice and you can get started straight away! So now, it's decision time...

Here's Everything You'll Get When You Join the online FSMA Masterclass

We've covered a lot of ground so far. To recap, here's what you'll get:

•    6 modules of 24 video lessons and worksheets, with explanations, tips, guidelines, and examples, so you can implement every step you need to follow to become FSMA compliant.

•    PDF versions of the presentations shown as part of the video lessons, so you can make side notes and review material any time you want.

•    A personal implementation plan - designed to suit your unique situation and needs - there's no guessing which strategies apply to you!

•    Support from your dedicated FSMA Masterclass coach, who's available to you by email and will respond within 24 hours on weekdays, so you can reach out for help and encouragement as many times as you need to.

•    Lifetime access to the FSMA Masterclass and future additions to the program.

•    One hour of 1-on-1 coaching time, when you need it throughout the program to make sure any issue you are facing gets resolved.

•    And much, much more!

And you have our commitment to work as hard as you do to make sure you succeed.

Yes, I'm In! I'm ready and excited to join the FSMA Masterclass, create my personal implementation plan, use all the tools and templates and be FSMA compliant in a short span of time!

Take Your First Step Towards FSMA Compliance Today!

Course Details

Course Title: FSMA Masterclass

Course Level: Advanced

Course Duration: 9 hours

Course Language: English

Subtitles: English, Spanish

Official Degree At End Of Course: No

Learning Objective: Implement FSMA requirements and learn FSMA essentials

Target Audience: Quality and Food Safety Professionals who wish to implement all FSMA requirements for their organization

Required Prior Education: College or higher with food / biology background

Implementation Time: 2 weeks

Course Materials: all included in the online course

Downloads: Yes

Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

Still Got Questions? No Problem - We LOVE Questions, and We've Got Answers!

You're about to make an important decision.

Joining the online FSMA Masterclass is an investment... not just in terms of the money (which is pretty trivial, considering what is on offer here), but also of your time, energy, and attention.

I want you to make the decision that's best for YOU, which is why I've compiled this list of the most frequently asked questions from the thousands of people who've reached out to us. I hope you'll find the answers you need to make an informed decision.

I Don’t Know How To Project Manage This!

Overlooking all the necessary steps to come for full FSMA compliance is difficult for most managers. Therefore, we help you create your personal implementation plan as part of the online FSMA Masterclass. The personal implementation plan is Excel based and contains tailored guidelines and tips for each lesson, based upon which you will create your personal implementation plan. Next to this you will even get 1 hour of 1-on-1 coaching as part of the course, so if project management is your weak spot, we can help you on that as well in person.

Must I Have A PCQI Certification?

The short answer is: it depends on your experience as a Quality Manager. As a rule of thumb, you can say that if you have five years or more experiences as a Quality Manager in your current (or similar) position, using our online FSMA Masterclass together with your experiences as substantiation towards PCQI Qualification will work. If not, you should either get a separate FSCPA approved course to become PCQI certified or you can join our 5-day, live FSMA Masterclass and walk out after those 5 days with a complete set of procedures tailored to your facility, PCQI certified (approved by the FDA) and with a remaining action plan which is also tailored to your facility. Click here for more information.

It's Too Much To Get My Mind Around!

FSMA contains a lot of legal texts and jargon that is not necessary your everyday language. In the on-line FMSA Masterclass we explain all the details in layman’s terms, and you will have a clear understanding of all the FSMA requirements. Moreover, we help you create your own high level overview and detailed implementation plan as well, so in the end you will have all the insight you need to come to an effective and efficient FSMA implementation in your facility.

I Have Difficulties Implementing All This By Myself!

As part of the FSMA Masterclass, you will get templates for swift and easy implementation, including your detailed personalized implementation plan. Usually this will be sufficient. For those who are really struggling freeing up enough time, we offer a different approach: you can get access to our Creating Time Program – this is a program which helps managers work in a more time efficient manner and save a least 1 hour per day. Click here for more information. If you decide you need the Creating Time Program as well, next to the FSMA Masterclass, we will give you a 50% discount on this program.

Is It Just Theory And Do I Still Need To Find All The Details Myself?

No, the online FSMA Masterclass gives you an overview of all the FSMA rules just under 9 hours, so we have to focus on the things that really matter. Next to this you will get all the templates for procedures and forms, we’ll explain exactly what to do, help you build your personal implementation plan and you even get 1-on-1 coaching to make sure you succeed. If access to other websites is required, we share all the relevant links with you as part of the course.

It Is Difficult To Convince Management To Spend Money on FSMA!

Management will always look at investments and related profit. We need to put this into perspective here. First of all, any company must be compliant to the law, so if you are located in the USA it is a no-brainer and if you are located outside the USA but supply goods to the USA, you are held to this law as well. In the end your USA-based customer(s) will enforce FSMA compliance. Ask your boss the amount of profit that is made on USA-based customer(s) and relate this to the price of the on-line FSMA Masterclass. This will make your discussion very easy.

I Can’t Afford The FSMA Masterclass!

Don’t pay for it yourself, the FSMA Masterclass is the fastest route towards FSMA compliance. Ask your boss to pay this course for you. In the end you must be compliant. You can even show the first steps of the online FSMA Masterclass to your boss – it’s free! We have priced the FSMA Masterclass at a very low price-level compared to others. We are able to do so because the program is on-line and uses the efficiencies of internet-based technology. If you still think you can’t afford it, have a look at the payment plan option. Rather than paying the full amount in one go, you can spread the payments over several months.

In case you are working for a local company in a developing country and you must pay for the course personally, we might have a scholarship option for you. We have a limited amount of scholarships available throughout all of our programs. The scholarship means that we will give you a huge discount on the price and you will be able to afford this program. Send us an email if you feel you are eligible for a scholarship. You can send the email to [email protected].

Here's The Real Question: How Quickly Do You Want To Be FSMA Compliant?

Now that you know how much the FSMA Masterclass can benefit you, it’s time to take action.

We've expressed the value of the online FSMA Masterclass as clearly as possible and we are sure you've seen the potential it can have for you and the company you work for.

And we hope you feel like you can trust us to guide you through all the changes you need to implement in your organization. We've spent a huge amount of our time and money developing the strategies and processes you'll learn in the course.

We've explained to you exactly what will happen when you decide to join. 

If you still have questions after reviewing all the information this webpage, just send us an email on [email protected] and we’ll get back to you by the next business day.

We are there to help you succeed!

Rob Kooijmans & Kitty Apples
Food Safety Experts