Microbiological Contaminants

QFS Mastery Program

This is the 7th Module of the QFS Mastery Program.

You Already Know The WHAT and the WHY of Microbiological Contaminants - Finally, Here’s The HOW.

This Module is the HOW of Microbiological Contaminants. It will show you via step by step processes How to get the microbiological contaminant program your facility needs and HOW to influence your Management to see it as a priority.

We will cover:

- HOW to influence your stakeholders to give them insights in the Importance of Microbiological Contaminants

- HOW to perform Microbiological modelling

- What are the Typical Problems of Microbiological Risks and HOW to find and solve your problems

- HOW to create your Finished product monitoring

and more.....

You will be amazed HOW simple it is to plan out your Microbiological Contaminants Program that your colleagues will absolutely love, that they are hungry and waiting to see the next steps you are going to implement and that will show your expertise in it's greatest light.

Your answers are all in this module!


Why Microbiology Is A Challenge

Here are some of the typical situations you might recognize with your current Microbiology challenges:

  • Your Purchase Department decided to select new suppliers and now you update your Microbiological overview - AGAIN
  • Your Sales Department decided to sell new end products and now you need to proof that your end products are Microbiological safe - AGAIN
  • According to the Authorities you need to perform Microbiological Modelling and to perform Challenge Tests - AGAIN
  • The Laboratory found a Microbiological issue. You need to perform an investigation and start troubleshooting - AGAIN
  • If you hold an IFS certificate and need to meet requirements for Microbiology Microbiological characteristics, 4.3.4 Shelf life test, 4.8.2* Process flow, and, P9 IFS Processing Step, this training will be beneficial. It provides insights into the necessary actions and Best Practices, enabling you to implement and review the Microbiological Contaminants Program for your organization

And there might be many other situations in your company...

... the question is: How functional are your Microbiology aspects? Is everything working properly? Are you 100% sure you are not heading towards a knock out or a major issue with a customer?

=> Join our Mastery Module and start making a difference in a proper working Microbiology in your organization!

HOW to Improve Your Microbiology tasks and be more prepared

What is included in this Mastery Module Microbiology

  • Required Level: Senior QA-professional / QA-manager

  • This Module is A Part Of The QFS Mastery Program. This Module Contains ± 2 Hours Of Video Lessons With Explanations HOW to Improve Your Microbiology tasks and be better prepared. Explanations Of HOW To Use The Downloads That You Can Implement. Go To 'Bundle Includes' To See Which Video's And Downloads You Will Get In This Module. You will have two years access to all the video lessons and downloads. This will give you enough time to implement what is needed

  • WHAT are the Microbiological Principles

  • HOW to Determine the Microbiological Risks in Raw Materials

  • HOW to Perform Microbiological Modelling

  • HOW to Perform Finished Product Monitoring

  • HOW to Perform Microbiological Troubleshooting

  • When You Have Finished All The Steps Of This Mastery Module You Can Download Your Certificate. As Part Of the QFS Mastery Program You Have Access to the Monthly Open Office Hours with one of our Coaches. During This Coaching Session, You Can Ask All The Questions You Have Regarding This Topic To Our Coaches

What You Get in this Mastery Module

Exactly the boost you need HOW to get to the next level!

    1. 1. Welcome and Agenda Module Microbiology - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    2. 2. Most Common Sources of Microbiological Issues - Duration video ± 60 minutes

    3. 3. The Microbiological Principles - Duration video ± 19 minutes

    4. 3a. Explanation Download Quick Reference Card for Classes of Bacteria - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    5. 3b. DOWNLOAD: Quick Reference Card for Classes of Bacteria

    6. 3c. DOWNLOAD: Bad Bug Book

    7. 4. The Raw Material related Risks - Duration video ± 8 minutes

    8. 4a. Explanation Download Sampling plan for Raw Materials - Duration video ± 5 minutes

    9. 4b. DOWNLOAD: Sampling plan for Raw Materials

    10. 5. Microbiological modelling - Duration video ± 6 minutes

    11. 5a. Explanation Download of FSSP model - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    12. 5b. DOWNLOAD: FSSP model

    13. 6. Finished Product Monitoring - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    14. 6a. Explanation Download Sampling Plan for Finished products - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    15. 6b. DOWNLOAD: Sampling Plan for Finished Products

    16. 7. Microbiological troubleshooting / investigation issues - Duration video ± 7 minutes

    17. 7a. Explanation Download Quick Reference Card for Microbiological Troubleshooting - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    18. 7b. DOWNLOAD: Quick Reference Card for Microbiological Troubleshooting

    19. 8. Stakeholder Management - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    20. 8b. DOWNLOAD: checklist Stakeholder management

    21. 9. What is next? - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    22. Monthly Open Office Hour / Hora mensual de oficina abierta / Maandelijks open kantooruur

    23. Evaluation Of This Module

About this course

  • $349.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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