Chemical Contaminants

QFS Mastery Program

You Already Know The WHAT and the WHY of a Quality and Food Safety Management System - Finally, Here’s The HOW to make sure your shop floor workers and management see your QFSMS as a priority and they know WHAT, WHY and HOW to use your QFSMS.

This is the 8th module of the QFS Mastery Program. It's time to get this training started, and in this module, we will take you through the essential steps and practical strategies that you can do, to finally get your work done!

We will cover:

- What special classes of pesticides do you have

- What are your raw material related risks

- What are your process related contaminants

- Which chemicals do you have onsite

- How to handle leakage prevention

- What are the packaging related contaminants

- How to perform troubleshooting

- How to keep your Stakeholders on board

- If you hold an IFS certificate and need to meet requirements for Chemicals 2.3 HACCP analysis, 4.3 Product Development/Product Modification of Production Process, 4.5 Product Packaging, 4.8 Plant Layout and process flow, 4.9.9 Water Supply, 4.10 Cleaning and disinfection, 4.10.6 datasheets, 4.12 Foreign material and chemical risk mitigation, 5.3 Process validation and control, this training will be beneficial. It provides insights into the necessary actions and Best Practices, enabling you to implement and review the Chemical Contaminants Program for your organization

and more....

You will be amazed HOW simple it is to plan out your Chemical Contaminants overview that your colleagues will absolutely love, that they are hungry and waiting to see the next steps you are going to implement and that will show your expertise in it's greatest light.

Your answers are all in this module!


Course curriculum

    1. 1. Welcome and Agenda Module Chemical Contaminants and Pesticides - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    2. 2. Sources of Chemical Contaminants and HOW to Prevent These - Duration video ± 47 minutes

    3. 3. Pesticides - a special class of chemical contaminants - Duration video ± 12 minutes

    4. 3a. Reference Cards Databases

    5. 4. Raw Material Related Risks - Duration video ± 6 minutes

    6. 4a. CFIA Tool - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    7. 4b. Raw Material Hazard Identification Tool - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    8. 4c. Raw Material Hazards

    9. 5. Process Related Contaminants - Duration video ± 1.5 minutes

    10. 5a. RDHI Process Steps - Duration video ± 1 minutes

    11. 5b. Process Hazard Identification Tool - Duration video ± 2.5 minutes

    12. 5c. Process Hazard Identification Tool

    13. 6. Packaging related contaminants - Duration video ± 7 minutes

    14. 6a. Packaging Hazard Tool - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    15. 6b. Packaging Material Hazard Tool

    16. 7. Chemicals on site - Duration video ± 1.5 minutes

    17. 7a. Site-based Chemical Hazard Matrix - Duration video ± 3.5 minutes

    18. 7b. Site-based Chemical Hazard Matrix

    19. 8. Leagage prevention - Duration video ± 1.5 minutes

    20. 8a. Inspection Preventive Maintenance Toolkit - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    21. 8b. Inspection Preventive Maintenance toolkit

    22. 9. Troubleshooting - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    23. 9a. Quick Reference Card For Chemical Contaminant Troubleshooting

    24. 10. Stakeholder Management - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    25. 11. What is next? - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    26. Monthly Open Office Hour / Hora mensual de oficina abierta / Maandelijks open kantooruur

    27. Evaluation Of This Module

About this course

  • $349.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content