How does this Mastery Module Quality and Food Safety Management System work?

  • This is one of the Mastery Modules that you can follow via the QFS Mastery Program.

    Required Level: Senior QA-Professional / QA-Manager

  • WHAT topics will we cover during this Mastery Module:

    - Learn WHAT the Typical Pains are of a Quality and Food Safety Management System

    - Learn HOW to Identify the Pains of Your organisation

    - Learn WHAT the Requirements are of a good functional Quality and Food Safety Management System

    - Learn WHICH Requirements are of Importance for Your organization

    - Learn WHAT the Building Blocks are of a good functional Quality and Food Safety Management System

    - Learn HOW to Build Your Functional Quality and Food Safety Management System

    - Learn WHO your Stakeholders are

    - Learn HOW to Influence your Stakeholders

    - Learn HOW to Create Your Project Plan to Implement Your functional Quality and Food Safety Management System.

    - Implement everything you learned within 4 weeks!

    - You keep access to this Mastery Module for 1 year! This way you have enough time to implement what is needed

  • This is an ON DEMAND Mastery Module. You can decide WHEN you would like to follow a lesson. WHICH lesson you would like to follow. HOW often you would like to follow the module. Just go to the Search option and type a name for a specific part of the mastery module you would like to follow.

  • Sometimes you don't have the time finalize the training that you are following. You can pause the training and come back when you have the time to continue. At your Dashboard you have an overview of all the training modules that are available for you. In every tile you can see how far you are with the module.

  • After following the training 100% you can download your certificate as a proof of learning. We do not use exams in the Mastery Modules.

  • It is always possible repeat or review a lesson you have completed in the past.

  • Subtitles for Video's are available in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German and Dutch.

    Downloads are available in the following languages: English, Spanish and Dutch.

  • As Part Of this Module You Have Three times a Half-Hour one-on-one coaching session with one of our Coaches. During This Coaching Session, You Can Ask All The Questions You Have Regarding This Topic To Our Coaches

What You Get in this Mastery Module

Exactly the boost you need HOW to get to the next level!

    1. 1. Welcome and Typical Pains - Duration video ± 1 minutes

    2. 2. Why are so many quality and food safety management systems not working properly? - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    3. 2a. DOWNLOAD: Overview problems of a not properly functioning Quality and Food Safety Management System

    4. 2b. Explanation video Overview problems of a not properly functioning Quality and Food Safety Management System - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    5. 3. What are the requirements for you? - Duration video ± 10 minutes

    6. 3a. DOWNLOAD: checklist Overview requirements for a quality and food safety management system

    7. 4. What are the Building blocks of a high-performance Quality and Food Safety Management System - Duration video ± 20 minutes

    8. 4a. DOWNLOAD: documents Building Blocks of a high-performance Quality and Food Safety Management System

    9. 5. Stakeholder management done the right way - Duration video ± 15 minutes

    10. 5a. Explanation video Checklist Stakeholder Management - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    11. 5b. DOWNLOAD: checklist Stakeholder management

    12. 6. How to get everyone moving towards an effective quality and food safety management system - Duration video ± 10 minutes

    13. 6a. DOWNLOAD: Project Plan template for upgrading your quality and food safety management system

    14. 7. How to use and create your time line to upgrade your quality and food safety management system? - Duration video ± 1,5 minutes

    15. 7a. DOWNLOAD: Time line template to manage the upgrade of the quality and food safety management system

    16. 8. What is next - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    17. Monthly Open Office Hour / Hora mensual de oficina abierta / Maandelijks open kantooruur

    18. Evaluation Of This Module

About this course

  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Instructors and Coaches

Kitty has spent more than 29 years helping quality professionals become more senior in their jobs and grow to the next level. Kitty’s educational background is food technology. Kitty’s motto is ‘many roads lead to Rome’. Kitty enjoys guiding quality professionals in their work.

Kitty has personally experienced that some managers like to keep their employees “small” and do not want to invest in knowledge or help in overcoming hurdles. All too often, these managers cause their employees to become stressed. As an interim QA manager, Kitty has regularly been able to guide “damaged” teams to work confidently on food safety again, to believe in their capabilities and to stand up for themselves. Kitty enjoys guiding quality professionals and watching them grow as a person and as a balanced and experienced quality professional.

Please connect with Kitty on LinkedIn by clicking here

Kitty Appels

Senior Instructor and Coach

Instructors and Coaches

Rob has spent more than 27 years in the international food industry and has visited over 72 countries for business. Rob holds and MSc in Physics and he also studied Econometrics. Rob enjoys combining his knowledge in quality and food safety with his passion of strategic management. Rob is a frequently speaker at conferences of IFC (Worldbank) and FI GLobal. Over the last 10 years, Rob has worked with a large number of Vice Presidents QA and QA Directors of multinationals, and he enjoys coaching and training quality professionals to help them getting more insight into food safety and how to influence management in their organization.

Please connect with Rob on LinkedIn by clicking here

Rob Kooijmans

Senior Instructor and Coach

Instructors and Coaches

Consultor / Auditor en Sistemas de Gestión de QA, Seguridad Alimentaria, Gerenciamiento & Evaluación de Riesgos.

Especialista en Aseguramiento de Calidad y Seguridad Alimentaria para industrias alimenticias y agro-industrias capacitado para brindar soluciones prácticas basadas en los más actualizados estándares de Seguridad Alimentaria.

Experiencia personal lograda durante 13 años de trabajo en compañías internacionales productoras de alimentos en Europa y Latinoamérica y más de 12 años trabajando para empresas internacionales de Auditoría y Consultoría en Gerenciamiento y Evaluación de Riesgos. Más de 400 días como auditor líder en empresas productoras de alimentos. Experiencia en desarrollo de co-fabricantes y capacitaciones en temas relacionados con Seguridad Alimentaria.

Conéctese con Luis en LinkedIn by clicking here

Luis Fissore

Instructor y entrenador (Español)