Allergens and Allergen Management

QFS Mastery Program

You Already Know The WHAT and the WHY of allergens and allergen management - Finally, Here’s The HOW to make sure your shop floor workers and management see your Allergen Management as a priority and they know WHAT, WHY and HOW to use your Allergen Management System.

This is the fourth module of the QFS Mastery Program. It's time to get this training started, and in this module, we will take you through the essential steps and practical strategies that you can do, to finally get your work done!

We will cover:

- Find out what allergens might be a risk for your facility and end products

- Learn WHICH route Allergens take in your facility

- Know your risks regarding Cross-contamination

- Learn WHAT the Best Practice Cleaning Matrix is

and more.......

You will be amazed HOW simple it is to plan out your Allergen management system that your colleagues will absolutely love, that they are hungry and waiting to see the next steps you are going to implement and that will show your expertise in it's greatest light.

Your answers are all in this module!


Why Allergen Management Is A Challenge

Here are some of the typical situations you might recognize in your current Allergen Management system:

  • Your R&D and Purchase Departments decided to change ingredients and forgot about the change management procedure - AGAIN
  • Your Supplier decided to change ingredients and did not inform you - AGAIN
  • Your Marketing or Sales Department decided to change the labels without a proper review - AGAIN
  • You are trying to cope with all the above mentioned changes to keep your HACCP-system up to date
  • New equipment is installed and now you can update your Cleaning Validation and Verification
  • Your overview of ingredients isn't updated with the latest allergens
  • You are facing challenges with cross-contamination
  • If you hold an IFS certificate and need to meet requirement 4.19 Allergen risk mitigation and requirement hazard analysis, this training will be beneficial. It provides insights into the necessary actions and Best Practices, enabling you to customize the Allergen Management for your organization
  • If you are facing challenges with implementing European legislation Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 and/or U.S. legislation FDA for allergens and/or FASTER Act, 2023, this Mastery Module will help you to implement these requirement efficiently

And there might be many other situations in your facility...

... the question is: How are you keeping track of all these changes? Is everything up to date? Are you 100% sure you are not heading towards a recall?

=> Join our Mastery and start making a difference in Allergen Management in your organization!

How to Effectively Upgrade Your Allergen Management Approach

What is included in this Mastery Module: Allergens and Allergen Management

  • Required level: Senior QA-professional / QA- manager

  • This Module is A Part Of The QFS Mastery Program. This Module Contains ± 1.5 Hours Of Video Lessons With Explanations HOW You Can Create And Implement A Successful Approach To Allergen Management. Explanations Of HOW To Use The Downloads That You Can Implement. You will have two years access to all the video lessons and downloads. This will give you enough time to implement what is needed

  • Learn what Allergens might be a Risk for Your Facility and Your End Products

  • Create your overview of the Route Allergens take in Your Facility

  • Create Your Best Practice Cleaning Matrix

  • Know Your Risks regarding Cross-Contamination. And know Your Labelling Risks regarding Allergens

  • You will work on upgrading your Allergen Management system via the downloads that we give you. These downloads and all your information will stay on your computer. You will not share any information with the other participants or with the instructor. Everything you work on will only be visible for you - full confidentiality of your data is guaranteed this way

  • When You Have Finished All The Steps Of This Mastery Module You Can Download Your Certificate

  • As Part Of the Mastery Program You Have Access To The Monthly Open Office Hours. During The Open Office Hours, You Can Ask All The Questions You Have Regarding This Topic To Our Coaches

What You Get in this Mastery Module

Exactly the boost you need HOW to get your Allergen Management System to the next level!

    1. 1. Welcome and Agenda Module Allergen Management - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    2. 2. Preparation video to watch before you go further with the training - Duration video ± 40 minutes

    3. 2a. Map - Have an accurate map at hand during this module

    4. 3. Identify and List all of Your Raw Materials - Duration video ± 7 minutes

    5. 3a. Explanation Download Template List of Raw Materials - Duration video ± 11 minutes

    6. 3b. Explanation Download Use of Macro's - Duration ± 1.5 minutes

    7. 3c. DOWNLOAD: Template List of Raw Materials

    8. 4. Identify Onsite Cross-Contamination - Duration video ± 2 minutes

    9. 4a. Explanation Download Template Onsite Cross-Contamination - Duration video ± 3.5 minutes

    10. 4b. DOWNLOAD: Template Map Onsite Cross-Contamination

    11. 5. Create Your Cleaning Matrix - Duration video ± 5 minutes

    12. 5a. Explanation Download Template Create Your Cleaning Matrix - Duration video ± 5 minutes

    13. 5b. DOWNLOAD: Template Cleaning Matrix

    14. 6. Perform Your Risk Scan Cross-Contamination - Duration video ± 7 minutes

    15. 6a. Explanation Download Template Risk Scan Cross-Contamination - Duration video ± 2.5 minutes

    16. 6b. DOWNLOAD: Template Risk Scan Cross-Contamination

    17. 7. Perform Your Labelling Risk Scan - Duration video ± 8 minutes

    18. 7a. Perform Your Labelling Risk Scan - Duration video ± 2.5 minutes

    19. 7b. DOWNLOAD: Template Risk Scan Labelling

    20. 8. Stakeholder management done the right way - Duration video ± 4 minutes

    21. 8a. Explanation video Checklist Stakeholder Management - Duration video ± 3 minutes

    22. 8b. DOWNLOAD: checklist Stakeholder management

    23. 9. How to get everyone moving towards an effective Allergen Management system - Duration video ± 10 minutes

    24. 9a. DOWNLOAD: Project Plan template for upgrading your Allergen Management system

    25. 10. How to use and create your time line to upgrade your Allergen Management system? - Duration video ± 1,5 minutes

    26. 10a. DOWNLOAD: Time line template to manage the upgrade of Your Allergen Management system

    27. 11. What is next? - Duration video ± 7 minutes

    28. Monthly Open Office Hour / Hora mensual de oficina abierta / Maandelijks open kantooruur

    29. Evaluation Of This Module

About this course

  • $349.00
  • 29 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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