Being Successful Is Not Always Easy
Here are some of the typical situations you might be facing today as a Quality and Food Safety professional:
- An incessant stream of issues prevents you from working on your annual targets in a structural manner.
- From time to time, you encounter problems which take a lot of time to research deeper and you wish you could just reach out to an expert to get the answer.
- You would like the shop floor workers just do their job well, it feels like you have the role of a police officer.
- There are too many meetings over the day, you struggle to get your real work done in a sound way.
- Your boss does not seem to take your contribution to quality and food safety really seriously, you have tried everything and still feel you are not gaining traction.
And there might be many other situations...
... the question is: how do you overcome these situations and what can you do to be truly successful in your job?
QFS Success Coaching- Program Details
Watch the video below to learn about the features and benefits of QFS Success Coaching.
Just click the video to start.
QFS Success Coaching
Our unique 5-step approach which guarantees your success
The QFS Success Coaching is a unique, 1-year program which will help you be successful as a quality and food safety professional. The approach consists of 5 steps as depicted in the diagram below.
Click On Each Of The Steps Below For More Details
Step 1 - Introduction Meeting
In the introduction meeting we will get to know each other, your organization, and your role in the organization. We will dive into details like:
- Your personal growth objectives. What is it that you would like to learn or to improve for yourself?
- Your personal and/or team targets. Often these targets are mentioned in your Departmental year plan and in your personal development plan. You decide which objectives you would like to focus on in the QFS Success Coaching Program
- Your challenges in influencing others, wether these are your peers, your manager or the shop floor workers. We help you to define these challenges in more detail during the introduction meeting.
- The typical issues you have in your work. There might be issues for you that are challenging to tackle and you would like to have advise how to change these situations, so it is becoming more of a natural way of working.
- And of course we will also explain the details of our system in the introduction meeting.
The introduction meeting will be scheduled within two weeks that you join the program. As soon as you start the program you will be requested to answer a list of questions in preparation for the introduction meeting, so you know what kind of questions you will get and this gives you time to think over what growth objectives and targets you would like to discuss with your coach on a quarterly basis. Once you have answered these questions, you will receive the link to schedule the introduction call with your coach. -
Step 2 - Focus Items
During the introduction meeting we talked about your objectives, targets, issues and wishes. And you already pointed out what you would like to bring in the program. In step 2 we will align all of these and break them down into smaller focus items per quarter. You can’t work on everything at the same time.
By breaking down into smaller focus items you will see that you make quicker progress and you stay aligned with your timeline. The timing of your focus items needs to be realistic and pragmatic so that immediate value is added for you in your job. -
Step 3 - Monthly Touch Points
Every month you will receive an online check in. This way we know how you are doing, what your progress is on your focus items, whether you are facing hurdles or a roadblock and if you need additional help. This will help you to stay on track and focused.
Step 4 - Quarterly Progress Meetings
Every quarter you will have a 1-hour meeting with your coach. During this meeting you will discuss your targets and growth objectives in your QFS Success Coaching Program, and we will discuss the following questions:
- What were the focus items of the last quarter?
- Did you perform all tasks that was needed to close the focus item?
- Are you happy with the outcome?
- What is the update of the current situation?
- What are the next set of focus items of the upcoming quarter? -
Step 5 - Unlimited Coaching Calls
Anytime that you experience a hurdle, or a roadblock and it might have nothing to do with your focus items, and you would like to discuss this with your coach, you can directly schedule a zoom-meeting. Together with your coach you will look for options to take to handle the hurdle or roadblock. Your coach will give you advise and/or homework to help you further.
For example, you receive ongoing complaints of a customer and you would like to discuss these complaints with your coach. Everything you already did, didn’t give the outcome that would make the client happy. If you don’t take the right action the client might walk away and this cost your organization a lot of money and your management will be very angry with you, your team, etc. Why? Well, your management believes that complaints should be handled by the Quality Department and that you have a magic wand to solve everything. Sometimes it looks like it doesn’t matter what you do, the client keeps on complaining.
Working in a company might result in company blindness. To have a discussion with someone who has a helicopter view can help to see things in different aspects of the issue. Your coach can provide you with tools, articles and information to help you to solve the problem. This will be assigned to your Trello board. -
Refund Policy
We find it very important that you have a good connection with your coach. If you feel that that the introduction meeting didn’t give you the trust to work with the coach you can:
- Ask for a meeting with a different coach. Give it a try to find out if you have a better connection with this other person to have your coaching sessions with
If you feel the program is not for you, you can ask for a refund, based on the following:
- You can request a refund within 30 days of purchasing your access to the QFS Success Coaching. You just have to send an e-mail to [email protected] and let us know that you would like to stop the program and why, in order to get the refund
- A full refund is available after the Introduction meeting (including the Introduction meeting with a different coach)
- The refund will be paid within 30 days. If you used a coupon code, you will only receive the refund of the actual price paid
Payment by Bank
If you wish, you can also gain access by transferring the money directly to us. To do so, send an email with your details to [email protected]. We will send you an invoice which you can pay. As soon as you have paid, you will have access.
QFS Success Coaching
Our unique approach to help you to be successful, to grow, to effective handling the issues and to be efficient
The approach consists of 5 steps. All steps are focused on HOW to get you successful in your job.
We start with an introduction meeting to learn more about your goals and which items you would like to focus on.
The focus items will be broken down in smaller topics to help you to work on these pragmatic and realistic.
Every month you will have an online check in. This way we know how you are doing, what your progress is on your focus items and if you are facing hurdles. This will help you to stay on track and focused.
Every quarter you will have a 1-hour meeting with your coach. In this meeting you will discuss your targets and growth objectives.
Anytime that you experience a hurdle, or a roadblock you can schedule a coaching call as often as you need. Your coach will give you advise and/or homework to help you further.
For more information about QFS Success Coaching go to 'Click On Each Of The Steps Below For More Details'.
The total value of this program is $23,296:
-$1,500 (Introduction meeting, break down goals and registration in project management tool)
-$2,400 (Monthly Touch Points, project management tool and follow up)
-$2,400 (Quarterly progress meetings with the Coach, project management tool and follow up)
-between $1,500 - $10,000 (Unlimited Coaching Calls when you need it)
- $4,996 (Mastery Modules, depending on topics to learn - value per module is $1,249)
- $2,000 (Big Urgent Issue? Immediate Access to Coach)
When you buy access to the QFS Success Coaching, you only pay $2,497 for 1 year access.